- "I show a yellow card to any driver who doesn't use a turn signal."
- "We bring the flags to the bars and throw penalty flags for spilled drinks, not finishing shots, and texting ex-'s"
- "Challenge flags get thrown to call "bullsh*t" on who you're calling/texting or excuses for being late / leaving early"
- "I yellow-carded my co-worker for her smelly tuna sandwich... The next week she did it AGAIN! (So obviously the second offense earned the RED card)"
- "A dude a few cubes over from me was on a conference call ON SPEAKER-PHONE! He ignored the penalty flag, he ignored the yellow card, he ignored the red card, so I had no choice but to sneak up behind him and blow the whistle really loud!"
- "I keep one set of cards in my car, one in my office, and one at home... and on weekends the penalty flag is in a back pocket and the challenge flag is tucked in a sock - think that's weird? Our entire group of friends does it too!"
- "We use it for OUR KIDS! They get a verbal warning first "don't make me card you" - but all 3 of them (ages 10, 7, and 3!) know exactly what happens if they get the yellow card - or the red!"