Hypothetical Example: CRUISES?!?

ReThinkingStartups.com & ReThinkingWhatever.com are
"ReThinking" Conferences... and Meetups... and Startup Weekends... and CoWorking Space... and...
ReThinking CRUISES!?!

Conferences can be EXPENSIVE...
HOTEL? FOOD? DRINKS? ENTERTAINMENT? All of that on top of super-expensive Conference Registration fees!
Coming Soon:
CoFounderator Cruises!
(is it too cheesy to write "Cruising for CoFounders?") - Content Creator Collaboration Cruises...
- CoWorking Cruises...
- Collaborative Competitions on Cruiseships!
- "Starter Startups" at Sea!
- Small Businesses on Big Boats!
- "Side Hustles at Sea?!?"
[MANY Strategic (cost-saving) Benefits - ask Jeff to elaborate]
NOTES: In the future, if this whole thing works like we hope it will, I'm sure we'll have many MANY varieties (different cruise lengths, locations, programming, etc.) While we might have higher-end cruises in the future for those who are perhaps less price-sensitive, for now, we are focused on keeping the prices low. The main downside of that is that cruise prices tend to be lowest in the weeks (or days!) leading up to the cruise, so it'll probably work best for those with more flexibility in their schedules (who don't need to request time-off from work months in advance).
Email info@StartupWhatever.com to request to be notified about upcoming sessions, dates, etc.